The Wandering Shepherd is a resource created by Dr. Randall Smith, who excitedly shares his knowledge of God’s word, Archaeology, and the Lands surrounding the Holy Bible.

Stages of Growth: Seven Descriptions of Great Leadership – 2 Samuel 10

Stages of Growth: Seven Descriptions of Great Leadership – 2 Samuel 10

Now that you are the leader, what does that mean? What does God expect you to know to carry out leadership? David learned in battles with neighbors and a tapestry of daily leadership choices. We will wade into the pool of leadership with him, and see if we can discern the central lessons God taught him! Today we will look at seven lessons:

Key Principle: God has defined and illustrated what great leadership techniques are. It is less dependent on what we were, than what models we follow!

  • Great leaders are “values driven” leaders: Because you know what you mean, doesn’t mean THEY know what you mean. Even if your heart is right, their heart may not be! You cannot always judge your performance by the reaction of others (so your actions must be values driven! 10:1-2).

  • Great leaders are discerning leaders: When the well is poisoned, the water is bitter. When you get a reaction that is unexpected, it usually comes because of a factor that ISN’T you. If you take everything personally, you will find yourself paralyzed! (10:3-4).

  • Great leaders are empathetic leaders: When the followers are hurt, you will need to give them time and attention to get them back on their feet. (10:5).

  • Great leaders are proactive leaders: Most problems work out, because you WORK at them! Problems will have a way of growing as other “bandwagon” the problem. (10:6-8). Action is not always necessary, but knowing when to act and how to act proportionately is a great leadership test.

  • Great leaders are delegating leaders: Find competent people to manage every issue and let leaders lead. If you over-manage leaders they will chafe against you. Things may well be trickier than you foresee them! (10:9-10).

  • Great leaders are team builders: They must understand the things that hold God’s people together: a) loyalty to their families; b) desire to hold what God has given us; c) a drive to see God’s will accomplished. (10:11).

  • Great leaders are tenacious: Quitters are unrealiable and ultimately dangerous in leadership positions. They dishearten people! a) Tenacious leaders read the situation well, because they put everything on the line to make the steps necessary for success (10:13-14); b) Tenacious leaders don’t retreat when others join in to hurt the people (10:15-16); c) Tenacious leaders aren’t afraid to get involved in any level necessary to get the job done (10:17-19).

At the end of the day, everything depends on leadership.

The quality of the leader determines much about the impact of the work – in any area! God has defined and illustrated what great leadership techniques are. It is less dependent on what we were, than what models we follow!

Stages of Growth: “Failure to Thrive” – 2 Samuel 13

Stages of Growth: “Failure to Thrive” – 2 Samuel 13

Stages of Growth: Dissecting Disobedience – 2 Samuel 11