The Wandering Shepherd is a resource created by Dr. Randall Smith, who excitedly shares his knowledge of God’s word, Archaeology, and the Lands surrounding the Holy Bible.

Chart: Places In The Book of Acts

Chart: Places In The Book of Acts

This place list includes both the place names and the address in the Book of Acts that the place is mentioned. The chart forms an overview of the geography of the book, filled with the travels of Paul and co.

Places in The Book of Acts


Achaia18:12Amphipolis17:1Antioch (Syrian)11:26-29; 12:25; 13:1-3; 14:26-28; 15:36-40; 18:22,23Antioch (Pisidian)13:14-50; 14:21Antipatris23:31Apollonia17:1Appii forum28:15Arabia(Gal. 1:17*)Assos20:13,14Athens17:15-34Attalia14:25Berea17:10-14Bithynia**16:7Caesarea9:30; 18:22; 21:8-14; 23:33-26:32Cenchrea18:18Chios**20:15Cilicia22:3 (Gal. 1:21*); 15:41Clauda**27:16Cnidus**27:7Colosse(Philemon 22*)Coos21:1Corinth18:1-18; (2 Cor. 13:2*); 20:2-3; (2 Tim. 4:20*)Crete27:7-13; (Tit. 1:5*)Cyprus13:4-13; 21:3**; 27:4**Damascus9:8-22; (Gal. 1:17*)Derbe14:20-21; 16:1Ephesus18:19-21; 19:1-41; (2 Tim.1:3*); (2 Tim. 1:18*)Galatia(Gal. 4:13-15?*); 16:6; 18:23Greece20:2,3Hierapolis(Col. 4:13*)Iconium13:51-14:5; 14:21-23Illyricum(Rom. 15:19*)Jerusalem26:4; 7:58; 8:1-3; 9:1-2; 9:26-29; 11:30; 12:25; 15:4-29; 18:22; 21:15-23:31Laodicea(Col. 2:1*)Lasea27:8**Lycaonia14:6Lycia27:5Lystra14:6-20; 14:21-23; 16:1-3Macedonia16:12; 20:1,2; 20:3-6; (1 Tim. 1:3*)Melita28:1-10Miletus20:15-38; (2 Tim. 4:20*)Mitylene20:14Myra27:5,6Mysia16:11Neapolis16:11Nicopolis(Tit. 3:12*)Pamphylia13:13; 14:24Paphos13:6-12Patara21:1,2Perga13:13; 14:25Phenice15:3; 21:2; 27:12Philippi16:12-40; 20:6; (Phil. 1:26?*)Phrygia16:6; 18:23Pisidia14:24Ptolemais21:7Puteoli28:13,14Rhegium28:13Rhodes21:1Rome28:16-31; (2 Tim. 1:17*)Salamis13:5Salmone**27:7,8Samaria15:3Samos20:15Samothracia16:11Seleucia13:4Sidon27:3,4Spain?15:24,28Syracuse28:12Syria(Gal. 1:21*); 15:41; 18:18-23; 21:3Tarsus22:3; 9:30; 11:25-26The fair havens27:8-12Thessalonica17:1-9The three taverns28:15Troas16:8-11; (2 Cor. 2:12-13*); 20:6-12; (2 Tim. 4:13*)Trogyllium20:15Tyre21:3-6

* Place name omitted in Acts but provided elsewhere in the New Testament


** Mentioned but not visited

Commentary: Acts 2

Commentary: Acts 2

Understanding the Book of Acts (1)

Understanding the Book of Acts (1)