The Wandering Shepherd is a resource created by Dr. Randall Smith, who excitedly shares his knowledge of God’s word, Archaeology, and the Lands surrounding the Holy Bible.

1 Samuel 19:8-24; Psalm 26 "The Portrait Hall": The Musician in Track Shoes

1 Samuel 19:8-24; Psalm 26 "The Portrait Hall": The Musician in Track Shoes

God’s training of David is one of the most complete studies from the ancient world on leadership modeling. How did God get David ready for the life of leading His people? He took his through a series of difficult experiences that taught him to read people and situations that were critical for his later success. In this study we will see a King-elect musician learning to keep his track shoes handy and eyes open. God uses tough times to train us for great futures!

Seven character traits David learned to possess:

  1. Faithfulness away from the pressure – outside of the palace (19:8).

  2. Faithfulness under the pressure – inside the palace (19:9).

  3. A circumspect view (19:10 “pawtar: saw and bolted out”).

  4. Readiness to retreat when wise (19:10b “noos” to slip out and vanish”)

  5. Reliance on those who cared for him (19:11-17).

  6. Reliance on spiritual mentors (19:18-19).

  7. Reliance on the power of God to solve problems beyond his ability (19:20-24)

HOW? How did David learn to walk this way?

Key Principle: When we focus on God’s purpose and sovereign right to be pleased by us in all things, most problems slip away quickly!

Psalm 26- Seven things David asked God to do:

  1. Vindicate (26:1- shawphat: act as judge). David set the standard as what God thought!

  2. Examine (26:2- baw-khan: examine to determine if really gold). David allowed God to search his real intentions and their value!

  3. Try (26:2b- nawsaw (place in initial assaying value before smelting). David allowed God to establish his priorities in life!

  4. Test (26:2b- tsawraph (to melt with heat to discern purity of). David allowed God to see each facet of the decision making to be sure the ends weren’t justifying the means.

  5. Do not take away soul ..or life! David saw his life as not completed in service of his king and pleaded for more time to live this life and not have his breath “snatched away”!

  6. Redeem me (pawdaw: an admission of guilt and term requesting redemption by paying ransom) David knew not all of his life was without sin, and he asked God to pay what he could not!

  7. Be gracious to me (26:11b- knawnan: to sit as beggar and ask for the undeserved morsel that is so needed). David had no pride before God!

Look at the prerequisite character to ask God for His Divine favor:

  1. walk with integrity (26:1- tome: firm and upright). David walked straight in his life before God and others.

  2. trust without wavering (26:1b- mawad: tottering or shaking). David truly walked as through what God said was true, and he placed all his weight on it!

  3. ever conscious of God’s lovingkindness (26:3- eye on chesed). David’s focus was not on his troubles, but on God’s provision of all, including his troubles!

  4. walk in truth (26:3- walk b’emet). Walked “for sure” according to God’s revealed truth.

  5. not sit with deceitful men (26:4- yawshav show: not dwelling among those whose vision is of no eternal value, empty or desolate).

  6. not walk with pretenders (26:4- awlam: secret keepers: those who are deliberately concealing the truth of who they are).

  7. wash hands in innocence (26:6- from nawkaw: wine that is clear). I receive the blessings of God (food) with no tainted feeling.

  8. stand before the altar with thanks and rejoicing (26:7- mizbeach) stand before God’s place of forgiveness with a sense of thankfulness).

  9. hunger to be with God (26:8- mawown: habitation is the place of your comfort.)

  10. commit to continue in the path walked (26:11- same word for integrity but future tense).

When we focus on God’s purpose and sovereign right to be pleased by us in all things, most problems slip away quickly!

1 Samuel 18 "The Portrait Hall": The Downcast King

1 Samuel 18 "The Portrait Hall": The Downcast King

Grasping God’s Purpose: “Taking the Wrong Turn” – Ex. 20:18-21 and 32

Grasping God’s Purpose: “Taking the Wrong Turn” – Ex. 20:18-21 and 32